This morning I woke up like I normally do - to my dreaded alarm clock, as it faithfully fulfilled its purpose in my life. As I roused to consciousness, my mind started to recall the enjoyable events of this past weekend and I couldn't help but feel the familiar Monday morning desire of wanting my weekend to last at least one more day.. mmm, if not forever. I laid in bed for about 2 minutes contemplating ways to avoid getting up and most of all going to work on such a beautiful morning, but as usual I came up with nothing. So I gave in, crawled out of bed and into the shower.
Taking my sweet time as I get ready in the morning has been a luxury I have re-learned to cherish and take FULL advantage of, since I made the move to SLC, and this morning was no exception - well, until about 7:43am when I was abruptly interupted from my "what-to-wear, closet-stare" by the sound of the doorbell being repeatedly rung, and my name being yelled over and over through the open window by Stormy, a tenant from the first floor apartment of our house...
As I approached the door I heard partial sentences from inside and outside the house to the effect of "cars being hit." You can probably image the thoughts that were running through my mind at this time, and if you can't they were something to this affect. But, a quick glance out the window before getting the door assured me my car was okay - or at least so it seemed.
As I made my way out the door, I quickly learned that I was Salt Lake City's newest victim of vandalism... My car had gone from the most beautiful car of all - to some punk kid's method of revenge on his parents, society, and probably the world.
Strangely enough my reaction to the words "thizz or die bitch" and "Rosepark" spray-painted across the drivers side of my car left me feeling anything but angry or even sad. My first thought was, how am I supposed to drive to temple square with the word "bitch" on the side of my car? My second thought - was with all the beauty in the world and the potential to create even more, why is someone wasting their time doing this? Then reality hit, and I realized that this little stunt would probably cost me at least $500 dollars as I would have to pay my insurance deductable, if not more. At this time, I did feel sad as my pocketbook usually sits pretty shallow, but I am impressed with myself in the fact that I never did become angry over this situation. In fact, now I am even glad that this occurred, and here is why.
First off, my neighbor - Stormy suggested to me that soap & water and a little old fashion scrubbin' maybe all it would take to remove the paint. Though I doubted this, I figured it was worth a try and to my delight, it worked! So with the help of Stormy's roommate Sharine, I spent the next 3 hours scrubbing the paint off my car and counting the many blessings and tender mercies of this situation, and here is what I came up with:
1. I now know the cheapest way to remove spray paint from any given vehicle.
1. I now know the cheapest way to remove spray paint from any given vehicle.
2. My half-conscious Monday morning wish of having a way to not go to work and enjoy the beautiful morning was granted.
3. I now have a better relationship with the neighbors downstairs.
4. I got the best arm work out I have had in months- if not years.
5. and, I now have a freshly and thoroughly cleaned car.
So, if by the one-in-a-billionth chance that my SLC vandal is reading this blog I want to say thank you to you! Though your life may be filled with drugs & alcohol, violence, broken homes, feelings of neglect and abandonment and an insatiable sense to repay the world for all the horribles it has brought upon you, through your inconsiderate and debasing action you have actually just made my world a better one.
I'm so glad you started this, Sara. One more to check and entertain me at work.
I delight in your blog. Ha! Now you should spray paint "" on your car so next time they come around they will read it and know they got punk'd!
P.S. I'm so glad your car is still cool.
it's so good. I like reading your stuff. it's inspiring to look at life with a pair of rose colored glasses. Love you!
ps. I wrote that (cheesecake) the last comment! if you couldn't tell just by reading it hahaha!
love number 2 the best!
Wow Sara, you look great and I want to know what you are doing, meaning of course job, weekend activities. Sounds like you are doing great and boy you made me miss you so a great big hug from me!
I probably would have said many cursings upon the head of the kid(s) who did that.. Good job being a nice person
Sup Sarah, stumbled upon your blog and had to comment on this story! First, I can't believe someone did that to your car?! So random... and in SLC? Second, SOAP and WATER was all it needed?! Fantastic! Hope all is well if your life!
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