Saturday, August 14, 2010

He Made it for You

This too shall pass.

I find myself repeating this phrase in my mind as I sit here on my bed on a beautiful Friday evening in the middle of august… sick. Sick with a head cold that has seemingly taken up permanent residence in my body and has invited its new best friend “nausea” over to check the place out. I sit here when I should be outside on a mountain top, a walk, a bike ride – doing anything really, anything but sitting here.

With this down time, I’ve had plenty of time to reflect. It’s been an interesting summer, not at all what I expected it to be. It’s been more stressful than most and with that I’ve somehow let negativity dictate my thoughts and feelings.
Work is definitely not fulfilling these days. I’ve had just about all I can take of empty promises, and the information I deal with everyday isn’t exactly cheery. My back is acting like it’s 81 and my love life isn’t going exactly as planned – but what Mormon girl really plans on
being married, or at least close to it at age 31? With most of my friends being in serious relationships, I’m seriously lacking in my traditional summer adventures and my never ending goal of losing “that last 10 pounds” has just been modified… to 15.
Life can be a real bummer sometimes.

But even with all this going on, I can’t seem to get a certain recent relief society lesson out of my head. The lesson was basically about considering and realizing what you live for, and that if it’s anything but love, it’s probably
not going to be that easy to be happy. While listening to this lesson I couldn’t help be relate love to beauty and I really began to think about all that is beautiful in my life. I’ve been blessed to have seen and known so much that is beautiful in this world and I’ve been blessed to know from who it comes from.

Though, I could go on about each individual thing that I recognize beauty in, I’m going to consent to the notion that a picture is worth a thousand words, so view below to see a few of 'my beautiful.'

My beautiful desert and the Great Salt Lake

Rain Forest of Costa Rica

Glacier National Park and my beautiful sissy

Beautiful Lover's Beach - Mexico


Kauai- Hawaii. My happiest place on earth.

Havasupai, Arizona. This sight literally brought tears to my eyes.

I really like to see my Dad really laugh. In fact, I love it.

Majestic Big Sur, CA

Florida wilderness and hiking with sibs - So beautiful

Babies! My family sure makes beauties.

17 J. - the house I grew up in. It's hard to believe it doesn't exist anymore,
but it was beautiful to me.

Last but not least, the perfect example of beauty.

Never has there been a more beautiful woman inside and out.

She's my proof that there is a God and he does love me because I got her for my mother.