2008 was a good year. I started a new good job, I had a few great little adventures and I experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows spiritually and emotionally of my life.
Because of that I learned a lot valuable things about myself, but it was exhausting! It feels fantastic to be starting a new week, a new month and a new year - for the first time ever New Year's really does feel like a fresh start.
Part of this fresh start feeling included a move I made this week. I moved just a few blocks away from my old house, so I'm still downtown SLC and really close to work, but it's with a friend - Megann Reece aka Slim of Team Hardcore! It feels great to be living with a good friend again.
Anyway, as new years day went by I couldn't help but ponder throughout the day on what this new year will bring. I considered many things, jobs, grad school possibilities, travels, relationships, adventures, personal development etc. but strangely enough, none of them included an electrical fire starting inside the wall of my new home at 11:30pm on new years day.
I was extremely blessed to be home, awake and in the room that the fire started in so it could be quickly extinguished. The fire started and seemed to be contained to the inside of an outlet box right beside my bed. Although we were fairly certain the fire was completely out within the walls, we called the fire department to come examine the situation and help us figure out why it started and how to prevent future possibilities of our house burning down. We learned that luckily the problem wasn't too major and with the help of an electrician could be easily remedied.
Needless to say, the whole experience was quite an adventure.. and if it was a foreshadowing for the events of 2009, it should be quite the year!